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2011. 6. 14. 12:25 Brain Trainning/DataBase
GeoIP용 쿼리 

AMD Opteron 2.4G 에서 70번 정도 수행
(StartIPNum에 Unique 하지 않은 값이 있을 수 있으므로 문제가 될 수 있음)

declare @IPNum bigint


select @IPNum = convert(bigint, dbo.UFConvertIP('X', ''));


with IPS as (

select top 5 endipnum, nationCD from dbo.T_GeoIPCountryWhois with (nolock) where @IPNum > startipnum order by startipnum desc


select top 1 nationCD

from IPS

where endipnum > @IPNum order by endipnum

posted by LifeisSimple