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2010. 8. 6. 16:22 Brain Trainning/DataBase

이건 DataFile 들

create table #tmpspc (Fileid int, FileGroup int, TotalExtents int, UsedExtents int, Name sysname, FileName nchar(520))
insert #tmpspc EXEC ('dbcc showfilestats')
db_name() as DBName,
CAST(cast(g.name as varbinary(256)) AS sysname) AS [FileGroup_Name],
s.name AS [Name],
left(s.physical_name, 1) as DriveName,
s.physical_name AS [FileName],
(tspc.TotalExtents - tspc.UsedExtents)*convert(float,64) AS [AvailableSpace],
CAST(CASE s.is_percent_growth WHEN 1 THEN s.growth ELSE s.growth*8 END AS float) AS [Growth],
CAST(CASE when s.growth=0 THEN 99 ELSE s.is_percent_growth END AS int) AS [GrowthType],
s.file_id AS [ID],
CAST(CASE s.file_id WHEN 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS bit) AS [IsPrimaryFile],
CASE when s.max_size=-1 then -1 else s.max_size * CONVERT(float,8) END AS [MaxSize],
s.size * CONVERT(float,8) AS [Size],
CAST(tspc.UsedExtents*convert(float,64) AS float) AS [UsedSpace],
CAST(case s.state when 6 then 1 else 0 end AS bit) AS [IsOffline],
s.is_read_only AS [IsReadOnly],
s.is_media_read_only AS [IsReadOnlyMedia],
s.is_sparse AS [IsSparse]
sys.filegroups AS g
INNER JOIN sys.master_files AS s ON (s.type = 0 and s.database_id = db_id() and (s.drop_lsn IS NULL)) AND (s.data_space_id=g.data_space_id)
LEFT OUTER JOIN #tmpspc tspc ON tspc.Fileid = s.file_id
[FileGroup_Name] ASC,[Name] ASC

drop table #tmpspc

이건 Log 파일들

SELECT db_name() as DBName, null as [FileGroup_Name], s.name AS [Name], left(s.physical_name, 1) as DriveName, s.physical_name AS [FileName], s.size * CONVERT(float,8) - CAST(FILEPROPERTY(s.name, 'SpaceUsed') AS float)* CONVERT(float,8) as [AvailableSpace], CAST(CASE s.is_percent_growth WHEN 1 THEN s.growth ELSE s.growth*8 END AS float) AS [Growth], CAST(CASE when s.growth=0 THEN 99 ELSE s.is_percent_growth END AS int) AS [GrowthType], s.file_id AS [ID], null as IsPrimaryFile, CASE when s.max_size=-1 then -1 else s.max_size * CONVERT(float,8) END AS [MaxSize], s.size * CONVERT(float,8) AS [Size], CAST(FILEPROPERTY(s.name, 'SpaceUsed') AS float)* CONVERT(float,8) AS [UsedSpace], CAST(case s.state when 6 then 1 else 0 end AS bit) AS [IsOffline], s.is_read_only AS [IsReadOnly], s.is_media_read_only AS [IsReadOnlyMedia], s.is_sparse AS [IsSparse] FROM sys.master_files AS s WHERE (s.type = 1 and s.database_id = db_id()) ORDER BY [Name] ASC
이렇게 구경하면 됩니다. 음... 

'Brain Trainning > DataBase' 카테고리의 다른 글

버전 호환성 Upgrade 작업 후 해야할 작업  (0) 2010.08.12
SP_Helpindex2  (0) 2010.08.11
MSSQL 2008 설치 Video (Microsoft)  (0) 2010.07.23
[SSRS] Microsoft Video  (0) 2010.07.23
[SSAS] Microsoft Video  (0) 2010.07.23
posted by LifeisSimple
2010. 7. 23. 15:28 Brain Trainning/DataBase

모든 권리는 마이크로소프트에 있다는...

설치 비디오

SQL Server 2008 설치 비디오를 사용하여 다음과 같은 목표를 수행할 수 있습니다.

  • 제품 및 구성 요소 기술 학습
  • 설치와 관련된 다양한 작업 수행 방법 확인
  • SQL Server 2008 관련 지식을 확장하는 데 유용한 관련 도움말 항목 확인

'Brain Trainning > DataBase' 카테고리의 다른 글

SP_Helpindex2  (0) 2010.08.11
DB 파일 사용상태 쿼리  (0) 2010.08.06
[SSRS] Microsoft Video  (0) 2010.07.23
[SSAS] Microsoft Video  (0) 2010.07.23
[SSIS] Microsoft Video  (0) 2010.07.23
posted by LifeisSimple
2010. 7. 23. 15:26 Brain Trainning/DataBase

모든 권리는 마이크로소프트에 있다능... 

SQL Server 2008 온라인 설명서
Reporting Services 비디오

새 항목: 2008년 12월 4일

SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services 비디오를 통해 달성할 수 있는 목표는 다음과 같습니다.

  • 제품 및 구성 요소 기술 학습
  • 다양한 작업 수행 방법 확인
  • Reporting Services에 대한 지식을 넓히는 데 도움이 되는 관련 도움말 항목 발견

'Brain Trainning > DataBase' 카테고리의 다른 글

DB 파일 사용상태 쿼리  (0) 2010.08.06
MSSQL 2008 설치 Video (Microsoft)  (0) 2010.07.23
[SSAS] Microsoft Video  (0) 2010.07.23
[SSIS] Microsoft Video  (0) 2010.07.23
디스크공간 / 여유공간  (0) 2010.07.18
posted by LifeisSimple
2010. 7. 23. 15:25 Brain Trainning/DataBase

모든 권리는 마이크로소프트에 있다는... 

Analysis Services 비디오(SQL Server 2008)

Analysis Services 비디오를 통해 달성할 수 있는 목표는 다음과 같습니다.

  • 제품 및 구성 요소 기술 학습
  • 다양한 작업 수행 방법 확인
  • Analysis Services에 대한 지식을 넓히는 데 도움이 되는 관련 도움말 항목 발견

'Brain Trainning > DataBase' 카테고리의 다른 글

MSSQL 2008 설치 Video (Microsoft)  (0) 2010.07.23
[SSRS] Microsoft Video  (0) 2010.07.23
[SSIS] Microsoft Video  (0) 2010.07.23
디스크공간 / 여유공간  (0) 2010.07.18
디스크 여유공간 체크 및 메일보내기~  (0) 2010.07.18
posted by LifeisSimple
2010. 7. 23. 15:22 Brain Trainning/DataBase

'Brain Trainning > DataBase' 카테고리의 다른 글

[SSRS] Microsoft Video  (0) 2010.07.23
[SSAS] Microsoft Video  (0) 2010.07.23
디스크공간 / 여유공간  (0) 2010.07.18
디스크 여유공간 체크 및 메일보내기~  (0) 2010.07.18
Categories of DMOs  (0) 2010.07.16
posted by LifeisSimple
2010. 7. 18. 22:45 Brain Trainning/DataBase

use master

if object_id('dbo.usp_fixeddrives') is not null
    drop procedure dbo.usp_fixeddrives

create procedure dbo.usp_fixeddrives

Author      : Bouarroudj Mohamed
E-mail      : mbouarroudj@sqldbtools.com
Date        : March 2005
Description : xp_fixeddrives wrapper

Note : you can add handling error as following (see BOL): 

    exec @hr = sp_OAMethod @ObjectToken,'GetDrive', @odrive OUT, @drive  
    if @hr <> 0 
        -- Obtains OLE Automation error information
        exec sp_OAGetErrorInfo ...
        handle error

set nocount on

-- Declarations

    @ObjectToken     int,
    @drive           char(1),
    @odrive          int,
    @TotalSize       varchar(20),
    @MB              bigint 

-- Initializations

set @MB = 1048576

create table #Driveslist
    Drive         char(1) NOT NULL,
    FreeSpaceMB   int NULL,
    TotalSizeMB   int NULL

-- Processing

insert #Driveslist(Drive, FreeSpaceMB) 
exec master.dbo.xp_fixeddrives

exec sp_OACreate 'Scripting.FileSystemObject', @ObjectToken OUT  --Creates an instance of the OLE object on an instance of SQL Server.

declare DriveslistCur cursor local fast_forward
select Drive from #Driveslist

open DriveslistCur

fetch next from DriveslistCur into @drive

while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
    -- Calls a method GetDrive
    exec sp_OAMethod @ObjectToken, 'GetDrive', @odrive OUT, @drive  
    -- Gets a property TotalSize
    exec sp_OAGetProperty @odrive,'TotalSize', @TotalSize OUT

    update #Driveslist
    set TotalSizeMB = @TotalSize / @MB
    where drive = @drive
    fetch next from DriveslistCur into @drive

close DriveslistCur
deallocate DriveslistCur

exec sp_OADestroy @ObjectToken

    TotalSizeMB as 'Total(MB)',
    FreeSpaceMB as 'Free(MB)',
    CAST(TotalSizeMB/1024.0 as decimal(10,2)) 'Total(GB)',
    CAST(FreeSpaceMB/1024.0 as decimal(10,2))'Free(GB)',
    CAST((FreeSpaceMB/(TotalSizeMB * 1.0)) * 100.0 as int) as 'Free(%)'
from #Driveslist
order by drive

drop table #Driveslist


exec dbo.xp_fixeddrives
exec dbo.usp_fixeddrives

이런 좋은 쿼리가 있네요... 출처는 주석에~

'Brain Trainning > DataBase' 카테고리의 다른 글

[SSAS] Microsoft Video  (0) 2010.07.23
[SSIS] Microsoft Video  (0) 2010.07.23
디스크 여유공간 체크 및 메일보내기~  (0) 2010.07.18
Categories of DMOs  (0) 2010.07.16
SQL Server 2005 DBCC Command Quick Reference  (0) 2010.07.16
posted by LifeisSimple
2010. 7. 18. 22:44 Brain Trainning/DataBase
declare @MB_Free int
create table #FreeSpace(
 Drive char(1), 
 MB_Free int)

insert into #FreeSpace exec xp_fixeddrives

select @MB_Free = MB_Free from #FreeSpace where Drive = 'C'

-- Free Space on C drive Less than Threshold
if @MB_Free < 40300
  exec master.dbo.xp_sendmail 
     @recipients ='koon74@naver.com',
     @subject ='C Drive 여유공간 임계치 이하',
     @message = 'Free space on C Drive 
                 has dropped below 1 gig'
다음 Query는 SQL Server에서 메일을 발송하는 예제입니다. 이 쿼리는 IIS-SMTP 서비스가 실행되고 있어야 합니다. 아래 코드는 CDONTS 컴포넌의 객체를 생성하여 보내는 방법입니다.

DECLARE @SenderAddress varchar(100)
DECLARE @RecipientAddress varchar(100)
DECLARE @Subject varchar(200)
DECLARE @Body varchar(8000)
DECLARE @oMail int --Object reference
DECLARE @resultcode int

SET @SenderAddress = 'serverinfo@serverinfo.pe.kr'
SET @RecipientAddress= 'webmaster@serverinfo.pe.kr'
SELECT @Subject = '이벤트 발생날짜 ' + CAST(getdate() AS varchar(12))
SET  @Body = 'This is the body of my email'

EXEC @resultcode = sp_OACreate 'CDONTS.NewMail', @oMail OUT
IF @resultcode = 0
   EXEC @resultcode = sp_OASetProperty @oMail, 'BodyFormat', 0
   EXEC @resultcode = sp_OASetProperty @oMail, 'MailFormat', 0
   EXEC @resultcode = sp_OASetProperty @oMail, 'Importance', 1
   EXEC @resultcode = sp_OASetProperty @oMail, 'From',@SenderAddress
   EXEC @resultcode = sp_OASetProperty @oMail, 'To',@RecipientAddress
   EXEC @resultcode = sp_OASetProperty @oMail, 'Subject',@Subject
   EXEC @resultcode = sp_OASetProperty @oMail, 'Body', @Body
   EXEC @resultcode = sp_OAMethod @oMail, 'Send', NULL
   EXEC sp_OADestroy @oMail

출처 : http://www.wssplex.net

'Brain Trainning > DataBase' 카테고리의 다른 글

[SSIS] Microsoft Video  (0) 2010.07.23
디스크공간 / 여유공간  (0) 2010.07.18
Categories of DMOs  (0) 2010.07.16
SQL Server 2005 DBCC Command Quick Reference  (0) 2010.07.16
Top 10 SQL Server 2008 Features for ISV Applications  (1) 2010.07.14
posted by LifeisSimple
2010. 7. 16. 17:33 Brain Trainning/DataBase

Categories of DMOs

The DMOs are divided into different categories and named accordingly to be easy to find and distinguish. All DMO names start with the prefix dm_ (no difference between DMVs and DMFs). Next follows a prefix identifying the category a DMO belongs to. For instance, the prefix dm_io_ is used for dynamic management objects that return information regarding disk and network I/O. Another category is dm_clr_ which is used for DMOs that return information regarding the hosting of the CLR (.NET Common Language Runtime) in SQL Server. Below is a listing of the complete set of categories of dynamic management objects.

  • dm_broker_* - Service Broker
  • dm_clr_* - Common Language Runtime
  • dm_db_* - Database related
  • dm_db_index_* - Indexes
  • dm_db_mirroring_* - Database mirroring
  • dm_exec_* - Execution
  • dm_fts_* - Full-Text Search
  • dm_io_* - I/O
  • dm_os_* - SQL Operating System (SQLOS)
  • dm_qn_* - Query Notification
  • dm_repl_* - Replication
  • dm_tran_* - Transactions
The following query lists all the dynamic management objects that are available:

posted by LifeisSimple
2010. 7. 16. 17:31 Brain Trainning/DataBase

SQL Server 2005 DBCC Command Quick Reference

New, undocumented and retired DBCC Commands in SQL Server 2005

Seven new DBCC commands have been introduced by Microsoft's SQL Server development team.
Unfortunately little or no documentation is available on the new commands listed below, though some of them may be documented in the RTM release.
Those that are listed as being documented do not require a trace flag to be set before using them.
However, to use the undocumented commands, you will need to turn on trace flag 2588.
This has changed since SQL Server 7.0/2000, where the trace flag was 2520.

Please note that the following is a result of investigations with the beta 2 release of SQL Server 2005, the final RTM release may differ slightly.

As always, never use an undocumented DBCC command on a production server unless advised by Microsoft, and never use a documented one unless you understand how it may affect the performance of your server.

DBCC commands new to SQL Server 2005

Documented new commands

    freesessioncache () -- no parameters
    requeststats ({clear} | {setfastdecayrate, rate} | {setslowdecayrate, rate})

Undocumented new commands

    mapallocunit (I8AllocUnitId | {I4part, I2part})
    metadata ({'print' [, printopt = {0 |1}] | 'drop' | 'clone' [, '' | ....]}, {'object' [, 'type',...}, {Id | Name}, [{Ownerid | Ownername}], [{Dbid | Dbname}]])
    optimizer_whatif property, value
    semetadata (object id | name, index id | name [, partition id])

DBCC commands altered since SQL Server 2000

The following is presented as a list of pairs of commands. The first command is the old syntax, as used in SQL Server 2000. The second of each pair is the altered syntax new to SQL Server 2005. In most cases the commands have been extended to take advantage of passing an object ID instead of a name, but if your scripts use any of these commands, it's probably worth checking them out before you migrate to SS2K5.

2000 : checkalloc [('database_name'[, NOINDEX | REPAIR])] [WITH NO_INFOMSGS[, ALL_ERRORMSGS][, ESTIMATEONLY]]
2005 : checkalloc [('dbname'|dbid[, NOINDEX | REPAIR])] [WITH NO_INFOMSGS[,ALL_ERRORMSGS][, ESTIMATEONLY]]
Changes : SQL Server 2005 now accepts the dbid as well as the dbname

Changes : SQL Server 2005 now accepts the dbid as well as the dbname

2000 : checkident ('table_name'[, { NORESEED | {RESEED [, new_reseed_value] } } ] )
2005 : checkident ('table_name'[, { NORESEED | {RESEED [, new_reseed_value] } } ] )
Changes :
Although the syntax is identical for SQL Server 2000 and 2005, there is a subtle change in the behaviour of this command.
In SQL Server 7.0 and 2000, running checkident would cause the identity column to be re-seeded, even if the table was empty.
In SQL Server 2005, if the table is empty when dbcc checkident is run, the reseed value will be ignored.

2000 : dbrepair ('dbname', DROPDB [, NOINIT])
2005 : dbrepair ('dbname', markdirty | {dropdevice, int} | {repairindex, int, int})
Changes : dropdevice syntax changed ; markdirty and repairindex options added
NB : It seems odd that this command has been extended with this release, as in the SQL Server 2005 setup help file, setupsql9.chm, it states that DROP DATABASE should be used instead of this command. It was included in SQL Server 2000 for backward compatibility only.

2000 : indexdefrag ({dbid | dbname | 0}, {tableid | tablename}, {indid | indname})
2005 : indexdefrag ({dbname | dbid | 0}, {tableid | tablename} [, {indid | indname} [, partition_number]])
Changes : An extra optional parameter has been added, partition_number

2000 : inputbuffer (spid)
2005 : inputbuffer (spid, [batchid])
Changes : An extra optional parameter has been added, batch_id

2000 : outputbuffer (spid)
2005 : outputbuffer (spid, [batchid])
Changes : An extra optional parameter has been added, batch_id

2000 : proccache
2005 : proccache ([compplan_ticks_threshold])
Changes : An optional parameter has been added, compplan_ticks_threshold

Changes : As for 2000, but LRUSTATS has been removed as an option.
NB : Microsoft only document the LOGSPACE parameter of this command - use any others at your own discretion.

2000 : updateusage ({'database_name'| 0} [, 'table_name' [, index_id]]) [WITH [NO_INFOMSGS] [,] COUNT_ROWS]
2005 : updateusage ({'dbname' | dbid | 0} [, {'table_name' | table_id} [,{index_id | 'index_name'}]]) [WITH [NO_INFOMSGS] [,] COUNT_ROWS]
Changes : Can now specify db_id, table_id, or the index name as parameters, instead of just the db/table/index name.

Also note that there is a problem with the output generated by the dbcc showcontig command under certain conditions in the beta version of SQL Server 2005, where more than one block of information per index is generated for tables that contain text columns.

DBCC commands retired since SQL Server 2000

Many of us have used them at one time or another and a few might even depend upon them. However, we can't say we have not been warned, and Microsoft have finally retired a whole raft of dbcc commands in SQL Server 2005.
Most of these were not particularly useful, but thoughtfully retained right up to SQL Server 2000 for backward compatibility with SQL Server 6.5 and earlier scripts.
The following dbcc commands are now dead and buried from SQL Server 2005 onwards:

adduserobject (name)
balancefactor (variance_percent)
bufcount [(number_of_buffers)]
cacheprofile [( {actionid} [, bucketid])
checkdbts (dbid, newTimestamp)]
des [( {'dbname' | dbid} [, {'objname' | objid} ])]
dropuserobject ('object_name')
getvalue (name)
iotrace ( { 'dbname' | dbid | 0 | -1 }, { fileid | 0 }, bufsize, [ { numIOs | -1 } [, { timeout (sec) | -1 } [, printopt={ 0 | 1 }]]] )
lockobjectschema ('object_name')
matview ({'PERSIST' | 'ENDPERSIST' | 'FREE' | 'USE' | 'ENDUSE'})
memusage ([IDS | NAMES], [Number of rows to output])
monitorevents ('sink' [, 'filter-expression'])
newalloc (previously retired, use of checkalloc recommended instead)
pglinkage (dbid, startfile, startpg, number, printopt={0|1|2}, targetfile, targetpg, order={1|0})
procbuf [({'dbname' | dbid}[, {'objname' | objid}[, nbufs[, printopt = { 0 | 1 } ]]] )]
rebuild_log (dbname [, filename])
row_lock (dbid, tableid, set) - Not Needed
shrinkdb (previously retired, use of shrinkdatabase recommended instead)
tab ( dbid, objid )
tape_control {'query' | 'release'}[,('\\.\tape')]
textall [({'database_name'|database_id}[, 'FULL' | FAST] )]
textalloc ({'table_name'|table_id}[, 'FULL' | FAST])
upgradedb (db)
usagegovernor (command, value)
wakeup (spid)

DBCC commands included in SQL Server 2005, which will be retired at a later date

This will be replaced with the REBUILD option of the ALTER INDEX statement.

This will be replaced with the REORGANIZE option of the ALTER INDEX statement.

This command will be replace by the system function fn_indexinfo

Complete list of documented SQL Server 2005 DBCC commands

checkcatalog [('dbname'|dbid)] [WITH NO_INFOMSGS]
checkconstraints [( 'tab_name' | tab_id | 'constraint_name' | constraint_id )] [WITH ALL_CONSTRAINTS | ALL_ERRORMSGS]
checkfilegroup [( [ {'filegroup_name' | filegroup_id} ] [, NOINDEX] )] [WITH NO_INFOMSGS[, ALL_ERRORMSGS][, PHYSICAL_ONLY][, ESTIMATEONLY][, TABLOCK]]
checkident ('table_name'[, { NORESEED | {RESEED [, new_reseed_value] } } ] )
cleantable ('dbname'|dbid, 'table_name'|table_id [, batch_size])
concurrencyviolation (reset | display | startlog | stoplog)
dbreindex ('table_name' [, index_name [, fillfactor]]) [WITH NO_INFOMSGS]
dbrepair ('dbname', markdirty | {dropdevice, int} | {repairindex, int, int})
free dll_name (FREE) e.g. DBCC xp_sample (FREE)
help ('dbcc_command' | '?')
indexdefrag ({dbname | dbid | 0}, {tableid | tablename} [, {indid | indname} [, partition_number]])
inputbuffer (spid, [batchid])
opentran [({'dbname'| dbid})] [WITH TABLERESULTS[,NO_INFOMSGS]]
outputbuffer (spid, [batchid])
pintable (database_id, table_id)
proccache ([compplan_ticks_threshold])
requeststats ({clear} | {setfastdecayrate, rate} | {setslowdecayrate, rate})
show_statistics ('table_name'[, 'target_name'])
showcontig ([table_id | table_name [, index_id | index_name]] [WITH FAST, ALL_INDEXES, TABLERESULTS [,ALL_LEVELS]])
shrinkdatabase ({'dbname'|dbid}, [freespace_percentage [, {NOTRUNCATE | TRUNCATEONLY}]])
shrinkfile ({fileid | 'filename'} {[, EMPTYFILE] | [[, compress_size] [, {NOTRUNCATE | TRUNCATEONLY}]]})
sqlperf (LOGSPACE)
traceoff [( tracenum [, tracenum ... ] )]
traceon [( tracenum [, tracenum ... ] )]
tracestatus (trace# [, ...trace#])
unpintable (dbid, table_id)
updateusage ({'dbname' | dbid | 0} [, {'table_name' | table_id} [, {index_id | 'index_name'}]]) [WITH [NO_INFOMSGS] [,] COUNT_ROWS]

Complete list of undocumented SQL Server 2005 DBCC commands

activecursors [(spid)]
addextendedproc (function_name, dll_name)
addinstance (objectname, instancename)
auditevent (eventclass, eventsubclass, success, loginname, rolename, dbusername, loginid, objname, servername, providername)
autopilot (typeid [, dbid [, {maxQueryCost | tabid [, indid [, pages [, flag [, rowcounts]]]]} ]])
buffer ( {'dbname' | dbid} [, objid [, number [, printopt={0|1|2} ][, dirty | io | kept | rlock | ioerr | hashed ]]])
bytes ( startaddress, length )
cacheprofile ( actionid [, bucketid])
callfulltext - system sp use only
checkprimaryfile ( {'FileName'} [, opt={0|1|2|3} ])
clearspacecaches ('dbname'|dbid, 'table_name'|table_id, 'index_name'|index_id [, partition_number])
collectstats (on | off)
cursorstats ([spid [,'clear']])
dbrecover (dbname [, IgnoreErrors])
dbreindexall (dbname|dbid[, type_bitmap])
deleteinstance (objectname, instancename)
detachdb ( 'dbname' [, fKeep_Fulltext_Index_File (0 | 1)] )
dropextendedproc (function_name)
dbinfo [('dbname')]
dbtable [({'dbname' | dbid})]
lock ([{'DUMPTABLE' | 'DUMPSTATS' | 'RESETSTATS' | 'HASH'}]|[{'STALLREPORTTHESHOLD', stallthreshold}])
log (dbname | dbid [,{0|1|2|3|4}[,['lsn','[0x]x:y:z']|['numrecs',num]|['xdesid','x:y']|['extent','x:y']|['pageid','x:y']|['objid',{x,'y'}]|['logrecs',{'lop'|op}...]|['output',x,['filename','x']]...]]])
page ( {'dbname' | dbid}, filenum, pagenum [, printopt={0|1|2|3} ])
pss [(uid[, spid[, printopt = { 1 | 0 }]] )]
dumptrigger ({'BREAK', {0 | 1}} | 'DISPLAY' | {'SET', exception_number} | {'CLEAR', exception_number})
extentinfo [({'dbname'| dbid | 0} [, {'tablename' | tableid} [, {'indexname' | indexid | -1} [, partition_number]]])]
fileheader [( {'dbname' | dbid} [, fileid])
fixallocation [({'ADD' | 'REMOVE'}, {'PAGE' | 'SINGLEPAGE' | 'EXTENT' | 'MIXEDEXTENT'}, filenum, pagenum [, objectid, indexid, partitionid, allocUnitId])
flush ('data' | 'log', dbname | dbid)
flushprocindb (dbid)
freeze_io (dbname | dbid)
icecapquery ('dbname' [, stored_proc_name [, #_times_to_icecap (-1 infinite, 0 turns off)]])
Use 'dbcc icecapquery (printlist)' to see list of SP's to profile.
Use 'dbcc icecapquery (icecapall)' to profile all SP's.
incrementinstance (objectname, countername, instancename, value)
ind ( { 'dbname' | dbid }, { 'objname' | objid }, { indid | 0 | -1 | -2 } [, partition_number] )
invalidate_textptr (textptr)
invalidate_textptr_objid (objid)
latch ( address [, 'owners'] [, 'stackdumps'])
loginfo [({'dbname' | dbid})]
mapallocunit (I8AllocUnitId | {I4part, I2part})
memobjlist [(memory object)]
metadata ({'print' [, printopt = {0 |1}] | 'drop' | 'clone' [, '' | ....]}, {'object' [, 'type',...}, {Id | Name}, [{Ownerid | Ownername}], [{Dbid | Dbname}]])
no_textptr (table_id , max_inline)
optimizer_whatif property, value
prtipage (dbname | dbid, objid | objname, indexid | indexname [, partition_number [, level]]). No partition specified uses the first partition. No level specified prints root page.
readpage ({'dbname'|dbid}, fileid, pageid, formatstr [, printopt = { 0 | 1} ])
renamecolumn (object_name, old_name, new_name)
ruleoff ({ rulenum | rulestring } [, { rulenum | rulestring } ]+)
ruleon ( rulenum | rulestring } [, { rulenum | rulestring } ]+)
semetadata (object id | name, index id | name [, partition id])
setcpuweight (weight)
setinstance (objectname, countername, instancename, value)
setioweight (weight)
showfilestats [(file_num)]
showtableaffinity (table_id | table_name [, partition_number])
showtext ('dbname' | dbid, {textpointer | {fileid, pageid, slotid [,option]}})
stackdump [( {uid[, spid [, batchid [, ecid]]} | {threadId, 'THREADID'}] )]
tec [( uid[, spid[, batchid[, ecid]] )]
thaw_io (dbname | dbid)
useplan [(number_of_plan)]
writepage ({'dbname' | dbid}, fileid, pageid, offset, length, data)

Acknowledgements and references:

SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Except where noted below, the above investigation was carried out on the Beta 2 release of SQL Server 2005 Express Edition.
At the time of writing (November 2004) this product was available as a free download at http://www.microsoft.com/sql/

SQL Server 2005 Setup Help (c) Microsoft Corporation 2004.
The information about future discontinued DBCC commands was sourced from Microsoft's SQL Server 2005 setup help file.
It is recommended reading for anyone who writes commercial database software that depends upon the lower-level functionality provided by SQL Server, as it includes details of discontinued commands and configuration options.
This document can be found at C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\Help\1033\setupsql9.chm, after installing SQL Server 2005 Express Edition to the default installation directory.
Search on "dbcc" to find this information.

Jon Reade November 2004

'Brain Trainning > DataBase' 카테고리의 다른 글

디스크 여유공간 체크 및 메일보내기~  (0) 2010.07.18
Categories of DMOs  (0) 2010.07.16
Top 10 SQL Server 2008 Features for ISV Applications  (1) 2010.07.14
SQL Server 2008 T-SQL Enhancements  (0) 2010.07.14
SQL Patch 정보  (0) 2010.06.18
posted by LifeisSimple
2010. 7. 15. 15:29 Brain Trainning


Sessions with titles in bold are available for smooth streaming playback

Using Mike Swanson's downloader and renamer

If you’d like to download all of the keynote and session content, download a recent build of cURL (~250K), and extract it to your folder-of-choice. Then, download PDC09Downloader.zip (1.49KB) and extract the PDC09Downloader.bat file to the same folder. From a command prompt, start PDC09Downloader by passing it one of the following parameters: WMVHIGH, WMV, MP4, PPTX. Then wait. For files that aren’t available, cURL will download a file that is around 221 bytes in size (if you change the extension to .htm and open it, you’ll see that the file is simply an HTML "not found" error page).

To rename the files, first, download the PDC09 Renamer batch file (4.52KB). Then, extract the PDC09Renamer.bat file to the folder that contains your downloaded files, and from a command prompt, type PDC09Renamer WMV to rename all of the .WMV files to the full session title. By changing the parameter, you can also rename your PPTX and MP4 files.

Title WMV WMV High MP4 Slides
CL05 Embodiment: The Third Great Wave of Computing Applications
Butler Lampson
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
CL06 Networking and Web Services in Silverlight
Yavor Georgiev
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
CL07 Mastering Microsoft .NET RIA Services
Dinesh Kulkarni
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
CL35 Custom Behaviors for Advanced Microsoft Silverlight UI Effects
Peter Blois
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
CL09 How Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Was Built with WPF 4
Paul Harrington
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
CL10 Windows Presentation Foundation 4 Plumbing and Internals
Blake Stone
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
CL11 Advanced WPF Application Performance Tuning and Analysis
Bart De Smet, Eric Harding
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
CL12 Developing with the Windows API Code Pack for Microsoft .NET Framework
Yochay Kiriaty
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
CL13 Windows Touch Deep Dive
Reed Townsend
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
CL14 Advanced Graphics Functionality Using DirectX
Michael Oneppo
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
CL15 Modern 3D Graphics Using Windows 7 and Direct3D 11 Hardware
Michael Oneppo
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
CL16 Optimizing for Performance with the Windows Performance Toolkit
Michael Milirud
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
CL17 Building Sensor- and Location-Aware Applications with Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4
Gavin Gear
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
CL18 Windows Ribbon Technical Deep Dive
Ryan Demopoulos
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
CL19 Building Line of Business Applications with Microsoft Silverlight 4
David Poll
CL20 Improving and Extending the Sandbox with Microsoft Silverlight 4
Joe Stegman
CL21 Building Amazing Business Applications with Microsoft Silverlight and Microsoft .NET RIA Services
Brad Abrams
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
CL22 Advanced Topics for Building Large-Scale Applications with Microsoft Silverlight
John Papa
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
CL23 SketchFlow: Prototyping to the Rescue
Christian Schormann
CL24 XAML Futures in Microsoft .NET Framework, Microsoft Silverlight and Tools
Michael Shim, Rob Relyea
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
CL25 Become a Web Debugging Virtuoso with Fiddler
Eric Lawrence
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
CL26 The "Audience API": Live Framework Present and Future
Todd Manion
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
CL27 Multi-Touch on Microsoft Surface and Windows 7 for .NET Developers
Anson Tsao, Robert Levy
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
CL28 New Developer Tools in Windows Embedded Standard 2011
Robert Smith, Ben Tucker
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
CL29 Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Kernel Changes (Continued from 1:30 Session)
Mark Russinovich
CL30 Microsoft Expression Blend 3 for Developers: Tips, Tricks and Best Practices
DoRon Motter
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
CL31 Mastering WPF Graphics and Beyond
David Teitlebaum
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
CL32 Developing Testable Silverlight Applications
Keith Jones
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
CL33 Windows Error Reporting
Kevin Hill
CL34 Media Foundation: Supporting Hardware Codecs and Cameras
Stan Pennington
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
CL36 Deep Dive on Bing Maps Silverlight Control
Keith Kinnan
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT08 Code Visualization, UML, and DSLs
Cameron Skinner
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT09 Scrum in the Enterprise and Process Customization with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
Simon Bennett, Stuart Preston
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT10 Evolving ADO.NET Entity Framework in .NET 4 and Beyond
Shyam Pather, Chris Anderson
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT11 Future Directions for C# and Visual Basic
Luca Bolognese
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT12 ADO.NET Data Services: What’s new with the RESTful data services framework
Pablo Castro
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT13 What’s New for Windows Communication Foundation 4
Ed Pinto
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT14 Workflow Services and Windows Server AppFabric
Mark Fussell
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT16 Advanced Diagnostics, IntelliTrace™ and Test Automation
Habib Heydarian
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT17 Spice Up Your Applications with Windows Workflow Foundation 4
Matt Winkler
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT18 Microsoft ASP.NET Futures
Jonathan Carter, Scott Hunter
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT19 C++ Forever: Interactive Applications in the Age of Manycore
Rick Molloy
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT20 F# for Parallel and Asynchronous Programming
Luke Hoban
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT21 PLINQ: LINQ, but Faster!
Ed Essey, Igor Ostrovsky
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT22 Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2: The New Stuff
Stephen Walther
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT23 Extending the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Code Editor to Visualize Runtime Intelligence
Bill Leach, Gabriel Torok
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT24 Building Extensible Rich Internet Applications with the Managed Extensibility Framework
Glenn Block
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT25 Microsoft Application Server Technologies: Present and Future
Anil Nori
FT26 Scaling Your Data Tier with Windows Server AppFabric
Murali Krishnaprasad
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT27 Application Server Extensibility with Microsoft .NET 4 and Windows Server AppFabric
Nicholas Allen
FT28 Microsoft .NET Micro Framework and Intelligent Devices
Lorenzo Tessiore
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT29 Microsoft AJAX Library, jQuery, and Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
Stephen Walther
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT30 Using Dynamic Languages to Build Scriptable Applications
Dino Viehland
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT31 Dynamic Binding in C# 4
Mads Torgersen
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT32 Code Like the Wind with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010
Lucian Wischik
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT33 Microsoft Visual Basic IDE Tips and Tricks
Dustin Campbell
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT34 Microsoft Project Code Name “M”: The Data and Modeling Language
Don Box, Jeff Pinkston
FT35 Microsoft Visual C# IDE Tips and Tricks
DJ Park
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT50 Building Data-Driven Applications Using Microsoft Project Code Name "Quadrant" and Microsoft Project Code Name "M"
Chris Sells, Douglas Purdy
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT36 Future of Garbage Collection
Patrick Dussud
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT52 Microsoft Perspectives on the Future of Programming
Butler Lampson, Erik Meijer, Don Box, Jeffrey Snover, Herb Sutter, Burton Smith
FT53 Microsoft Visual Studio Lab Management to the Build Setup Rescue
Vinod Malhotra
WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT54 Power Tools for Debugging
Sandeep Karanth, Kapil Vaswani
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT55 Developing REST Applications with the .NET Framework
Henrik Nielsen
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT56 Web Deployment Painkillers: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 & MS Deploy
Vishal R. Joshi
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT57 Microsoft ASP.NET 4 Core Runtime for Web Developers
Stefan Schackow
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT58 What’s New in Microsoft ASP.NET 4 Web Forms and Dynamic Data
Scott Hunter
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT59 ASP.NET MVC 2: Ninjas Still on Fire Black Belt Tips
Scott Hanselman
FT60 A Lap Around Microsoft Visual Studio and Team Foundation Server 2010
Mario Rodriguez, Cameron Skinner
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
KEY01 Day 1 Keynote
KEY02 Day 2 Keynote
SVR01 Accelerating Applications Using Windows HPC Server 2008
Ming Xu
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT05 Automating "Done Done" in the Team Workflows with Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate and Team Foundation Server 2010
Brian Randell, Jamie Cool
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVC01 Lap Around the Windows Azure Platform
Manuvir Das
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT02 Data Programming and Modeling for the Microsoft .NET Developer
Don Box, Chris Anderson
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
PR03 Developer Patterns to Integrate Microsoft Silverlight 3.0 with Microsoft SharePoint 2010
Paul Stubbs
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
PR01 Developing xRM Solutions Using Windows Azure
Andrew Bybee
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVC03 Development Best Practices and Patterns for Using Microsoft SQL Azure Databases
Tony Petrossian
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT03 Manycore and the Microsoft .NET Framework 4: A Match Made in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
Stephen Toub
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
CL02 Microsoft Silverlight 3: Advanced Performance and Profiling Techniques
Seema Ramchandani
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
CL01 Microsoft Silverlight 4 Overview
Karen Corby
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
PR05 Microsoft Unified Communications: Developer Platform Futures
Chris Mayo
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT06 Accelerated Windows Application Development with Microsoft Visual C++ 2010
Boris Jabes
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVC04 Petabytes for Peanuts! Making Sense out of “Ambient” Data.
David Campbell
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVR03 Data Tier Applications in Visual Studio 2010
Sanjay Nagamangalam, S Murali
CL03 DirectX11 DirectCompute
Chas Boyd
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT07 The State of Parallel Programming
Burton Smith
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
PR02 Overview of SharePoint 2010 Programmability
Mike Ammerlaan
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVR02 Using Classification for Data Security and Data Management
Clyde Law
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
CL04 Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Kernel Changes
Mark Russinovich
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVC02 Windows Identity Foundation Overview
Vittorio Bertocci
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
FT04 Windows Workflow Foundation 4 from the Inside Out
Bob Schmidt
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
PR06 Developing Solutions with Business Connectivity Services in Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010
Steve Fox
PR07 Developing Solutions for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Using the Client Object Model
Mike Ammerlaan
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
PR09 Document Assembly and Manipulation on Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Using Word Automation Services and Open XML
Zeyad Rajabi
WMVHigh MP4 Slides
PR10 SharePoint Is Not Just On-Premise: Developing and Deploying Solutions to Microsoft SharePoint Online
Rob Howard
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
PR11 Leveraging and Extending Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Identity Features
Venky Veeraraghavan
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
PR12 It's All about the Services: Developing Custom Applications for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Using Microsoft ASP.NET, WCF, and REST
Maxim Lukiyanov
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
PR13 Integrating and Extending the Microsoft Office Communicator Experience with Windows Presentation Foundation and Microsoft Silverlight
David Ollason
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
PR14 Unleashing the Power of Excel on the Web
Shahar Prish
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
PR30 The Exchange 2010 Developer Story: Building Rich Exchange-enabled Applications for the Enterprise and the Cloud
Jason Henderson
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
PR31 Managing the Solution Lifecycle for xRM Applications
Andrew Bybee
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
PR33 Build a .NET Business Application in 60 Minutes with xRM and SharePoint
Barry Givens, Nikhil Hasija
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVC06 Scaling out Web Applications with Microsoft SQL Azure Databases
David Robinson
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVC08 Patterns for Building Scalable and Reliable Applications with Windows Azure
Brad Calder
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVC09 Windows Azure Tables and Queues Deep Dive
Jai Haridas
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVC10 Software + Services Identity Roadmap Update
Kim Cameron, Dmitry Sotnikov
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVC12 Microsoft SQL Azure Database: Under the Hood
Jeff Currier
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVC13 Windows Azure Present and Future
Manuvir Das
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVC14 Windows Azure Blob and Drive Deep Dive
Brad Calder
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVC15 Windows Azure Monitoring, Logging, and Management APIs
Matthew Kerner
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVC16 Developing Advanced Applications with Windows Azure
Steve Marx
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVC17 Enabling Single Sign-On to Windows Azure Applications
Hervey Wilson
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVC18 Building Hybrid Cloud Applications with Windows Azure and the Service Bus
Clemens Vasters
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVC19 REST Services Security Using the Access Control Service
Justin Smith
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVC20 Bridging the Gap from On-Premises to the Cloud
Yousef Khalidi
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVC30 Lessons Learned: Migrating Applications to the Windows Azure Platform
Wade Wegner
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVC23 Using the Microsoft Sync Framework to Connect Apps to the Cloud
Mark Scurrell
WMV WMVHigh Slides
SVC25 Automating the Application Lifecycle with Windows Azure
Sriram Krishnan
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVC26 How Microsoft SharePoint 2010 was Built with the Windows Identity Foundation
Sesha Mani
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVC27 The Future of Database Development with SQL Azure
David Robinson
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVC28 The ‘M’-Based System.Identity Model for Accessing Directory Services
Gert Drapers, Kim Cameron
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVC29 Enrich your Applications with Data from Microsoft Project Code Name “Dallas”
Zach Owens
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVC31 Lessons Learned: Building On-Premises and Cloud Applications with the Service Bus and Windows Azure
Todd Holmquist-Sutherland
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVC32 Lessons Learned: Building Scalable Applications with the Windows Azure Platform
Simon Davies
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVC33 Lessons Learned: Building Multi-Tenant Applications with the Windows Azure Platform
Ben Riga
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVC36 Microsoft adPlatform Opportunities for Developers
Eric Totherow
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVC37 Introduction to Building Applications with Windows Azure
David Lemphers
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVC50 Building Java Applications with Windows Azure
Steve Marx
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVC51 Developing PHP and MySQL Applications with Windows Azure
Mohit Srivastava, Tushar Shanbhag
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVC52 SQL Azure Database: Present and Future
Dave Campbell, Tony Petrossian
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVC53 Tips and Tricks for Using Visual Studio 2010 to Build Applications that Run on Windows Azure
Jim Nakashima
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVC54 The Business of Windows Azure: What you should know about Windows Azure Platform pricing and SLAs
Dianne O'Brien
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVR06 Extending Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.x
Will Sadler
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVR07 Introduction to Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 StreamInsight
Torsten Grabs
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVR08 Advanced Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 StreamInsight
Roman Schindlauer, Beysim Sezgin
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVR09 Developing Rich Reporting Solutions with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2
Stella Chan
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVR10 Lighting up Windows Server 2008 R2 Using the ConcRT on UMS
Dana Groff
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVR11 Improving Application Compatibility and Quality for Windows Server 2008 R2
Frank Botello
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVR12 Building Your Administration GUI over Windows PowerShell
Kenneth Hansen, Narayanan Lakshmanan
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVR13 Windows PowerShell: An Automation Toolbox for Building Solutions That Span Small Businesses, Enterprises, and Cloud Services
Kenneth Hansen, Narayanan Lakshmanan
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVR14 Building Live Media Viewing Experiences Using Internet Information Services (IIS) Smooth Streaming and the Smooth Streaming Player SDK
Vishal Sood
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVR15 Microsoft BizTalk Server Futures and Roadmap
Balasubramanian Sriram
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVR16 Connecting Applications with the Microsoft BizTalk Enterprise Service Bus Toolkit
Syed Rasheed, Dmitri Ossipov
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVR17 Data-Intensive Computing on Windows HPC Server with the DryadLINQ Framework
John Vert
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVR18 Developing Applications for Scale-Up Servers Running Windows Server 2008 R2
Pedro Teixeira
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVR19 SQL Server Modeling Services: Using Metadata to Drive Application Design, Development and Management
James Baker, Shoshanna Budzianowski
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVR31 Making Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Fly
Yavor Angelov
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVR32 Microsoft Semantic Engine
Naveen Garg, Duncan Davenport
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
SVR33 Building Location Aware Applications with the SQL Server Spatial Library
Olivier Meyer, Ed Katibah
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
VTL01 Code Contracts and Pex: Power Charge Your Assertions and Unit Tests
Mike Barnett, Nikolai Tillmann
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
VTL02 Axum: A .NET Language for Safe and Scalable Concurrency
Niklas Gustafsson
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
VTL03 Infer.NET: Building Software with Intelligence
John Guiver, John Winn
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
VTL04 Rx: Reactive Extensions for .NET
Erik Meijer
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
VTL05 A New Approach to Exploring Information on the Web
Gary Flake
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
VTL30 Managing Development to Inspire Innovation and Create Great User Experiences
Scott Stanfield, Bill Crow
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
VTL31 Coming Together in the Cloud
Jeff Norris, Rick Boykin, Marc Mercuri
WMV WMVHigh MP4 Slides
VTL32 Concurrency Fuzzing & Data Races
Sebastian Burckhardt, Madan Musuvathi

출처 : http://www.microsoftpdc.com/ <-- 꼭 IE로 열어야 에러가 안남... 흠..

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posted by LifeisSimple